TomOCat's Space

In this space, I will be writing thoughts concerning things important to me. It will be mostly for my own use and reflection, but interested and constructive comments are welcome. None of us lives on the planet all alone...

Monday, June 27, 2005

TomOCat's Blog

It's been a little over a year since my "first" post, and oh, so much has transpired.

Shortly after I posted in May of 2004, I became "homeless." My living arrangements in Concord came to an abrupt end due to the sale of the house in which I languished. Fortunately, I had my vehicle, given to me by my niece and nephew-in-law in Buffalo and driven across the land the previous December. So, without further plan and purpose, I began "living" in my "mobile home" as of July 1.

I spent my days fishing in the Sacramento River Delta, and my nights picking up cans for recycling in and around Concord. Life was good, if not enriching...monetarily speaking. I was still receiving a small unemployment compensatory package from the generous people of New York State.

Then, without warning, the car died an ignominious death on the streets of Oakland. I became truly and unceremoniously homeless. I travelled by BART into the bowels of San Francisco, and began availing myself of the public shelter system in The City and County of the same name, they being contiguous. As of day one, I also began keeping a journal of my journey along the gutters and curbstones, and making copious notes for a projected book detailing my experiences. It remains a work in progress.

Then, almost again without warning, one of the many contract agencies with which I was listed contacted me with a potential job offer. I went for an interview, and within three weeks (October 19th)I found myself once again employed. The job was scheduled to last for three months, but as of today, it continues with no discernable end in sight. I now have forty-five weeks left before I can file for early retirement with the Railroad Retirement Board, and even though I can make more by continuing work, I am at the point where I'm tired of the daily grind. Except for my college years, I've been working since I was seventeen, so I'm ready for some quality screw-off time.

Health-wise, what can I say? I'm OLD! I availed myself of public health and discovered that I had slightly elevated blood pressure, slightly increased levels of cholesterol, and anti-bodies to hepatitis C, with a slightly enlarged liver. So, it would appear that I've been "slighted" all way round. Then, just three weeks ago, I learned that I have gall stones...or rather...a singular gall stone which measures 4.5 centimeters in diameter. I knew there was a problem as long ago as four years, but I elected to treat it with diet. I knew nothing about bilious cholitis, and that condition sent me to the emergency department of SFGH. So, I'm in the process of determining if and when I can have the gall bladder yanked out. Even though I have no insurance, the fact that I have an income means that I will have to pay something, and so far I've not been able to save anything out of my income, due largely in part to the necessity of taking care of a forty-two year old child.

That brings us up-to-date. I shall try not to let another year pass before posting again.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Christmas 1994 Posted by Hello

Friday, May 28, 2004

First Blood

As with so many before me, this is a new experience for me. It is intriguing, and I will see where it takes me.

Since my return to the San Francisco Bay Area from Buffalo, NY, I have been looking for work, to no avail. The economy is still in the toilet, regardless of the rosy picture the Bush Administration has painted for us. While there are many jobs available in my profession (Accounting), there are so many out-of-work accountants that prospective firms can pick and choose those candidates that match their interests and requirements exactly. Add to that the obvious age discrimination factor, and job searching has become a full-time job itself, with little encouragement.

I haven't given up hope and my faith in God sustains me throughout. I hope I will be able to add to this in not too many days hence a better report.